The instruction here will be based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64bit version.
We need to install necessary packages first as usual:
$ sudo apt-get install -y autoconf automake git gettext m4 dejagnu autopoint bison texinfo
If you are trying to build the package on Mac OS X, you will need to install development tools first.
$ sudo xcode-select --install
Then you would want to install homebrew.
$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
$ sudo xcode-select --install
Then you would want to install homebrew.
$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Then, you will need to install the necessary packages with
$ brew install autoconf automake git gettext dejagnu bison texinfo
Finally, you will need to create a symlink of autopoint
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/gettext/0.19.7/bin/autopoint /usr/local/bin/autopoint
We will download the latest development version using git
$ git clone git://
When complete, go to the findutils directory and run bootstrap
$ cd findutils && ./bootstrap
It will probably complain about gettext version.
autopoint: *** The AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION declaration in your
file requires the infrastructure from gettext-0.19.3 but this version
is older. Please upgrade to gettext-0.19.3 or newer.
autopoint: *** Stop.
To see what version of gettext is currently installed, we can run
$ gettext --version
I am getting 0.18.3 as of now. This is the latest version available from the Ubuntu repository. We can manually install the newer version by building the executable from the source.
Let's then download and build the latest gettext!
$ cd .. && wget
Unarchive the source files
$ tar xfz gettext-latest.tar.gz
Let's configure it!
$ mkdir gettext-0.19.7/build && cd gettext-0.19.7/build
$ ../configure
When complete, we can compile it
$ make -j 2
where the number 2 represents the desired # of cores to use when compiling.
By the way, if you intend to debug the source code, you may want to define a macro DEBUG
$ make -j 2 CFLAGS="-D DEBUG -g"
which sets the option -D DEBUG and -g to the compiler.
After some time, it should build successfully. We are now ready to install the latest get text on the system.
$ sudo make install
Finally, we should now have the latest version of gettext
$ gettext --version
which returns 0.19.7 as expected.
OK, let's go back to findutils and continue our process of bootstrapping
$ cd ../../findutils/ && ./bootstrap
The last step is to simply configure and compile!
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ ./configure
$ make -j 2
When complete, we can execute the new program and verify if it works
$ find/find --version
$ xargs/xargs --version
$ locate/locate --version
They all should say version 4.7.0-git as of today. The latest stable release findutils version is 4.6.0 as can be seen from
You could install it on the system if you want, but I would not recommend so, as it is not a stable release version yet.