Thursday, October 3, 2019

Load Makefile Projects on CLion

If you are like me, there is no better C/C++ IDE than Jetbrain's CLion. I absolutely love it and refuse to use any other IDE.

There is one problem, however. CLion only supports CMake projects. There is a way to import Makefile projects using compiledb, but it was not trivial for projects that heavily relies on GNU toolchains.

In this post, I will go over how to import Makefile projects, such as openfst, that cannot be imported properly following Jetbrain's tutorial and tutorial2. There is one trick; when running make, add -w option, which prints entering/leaving directory. Without this option, the generated compile commands will not locate the true path.

That is, run
$ compiledb make -w

By the way, never use multithreading option -jN here because it will mess up the order of files and compiledb will not be able to reproduce all the make commands.

That's it! Happy hacking.

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